Papua New Guinea Rugby Player Will Genia Calls out Spread of Misinformation on COVID-19

Papua New Guinea born rugby champion and UNICEF Ambassador, Will Genia, joined health experts from the World Bank and Marshall Islands’ health sector on the latest episode of Pacific podcast Vosa to discuss the COVID-19 vaccine and the need to combat misinformation across PNG.

Speaking to Vosa, Will Genia says combating misinformation is key.

Obviously now with everything escalating in Papua New Guinea, we have to take this seriously and dispel the misinformation and misunderstanding around the vaccine.Will Genia

Genia, whose brother in Port Moresby recently contracted COVID-19, is focused on the complexity of combating misinformation in Papua New Guinea.

He says, “It’s a very difficult thing to do with the language barrier around how many languages we have in our country. The nature of the country with communal living and lack of resources; it’s quite hard unless individuals take it seriously.”

Image credit: Vosa podcast.